






















ズグロゴシキサイズ 3~4杯

アカエリゴシキ、ゴシキセイガイサイズ 5杯

ショウジョウ、ズグロオトメサイズ  8杯







Ground cereals, sucrose, whey and soy proteins, dextrose, mannan oligosaccharides, β-glucans, lysine, methionine, vegetable oils, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (including EPA & DHA), carotenoids, vitamins A, B1,B2,B6, B12,C,D3,E,K, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, choline, inositol, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, selenium.



 Protein (min) 13%

 Fat (min) 6%

 Carbohydrate (min) 72%

 Fibre (max) 3%

 Calcium 0.7%

 Iron 40mg/kg

 Vitamin A 0.3mg/kg

 Metabolisable Energy (ME)

16 MJ/kg



Passwell Complete Lorikeet is a completely balanced maintenance food and may represent upto 80% of a lorikeet's diet. The remainder of the diet should be made up of a variety of fresh fruits & vegetables and as much native blossom as possible.


Feed Complete Lorikeet dry (recommended), or mix with warm water to a desired consistency. Note that the addition of water will increase the rate of spoilage by micro-organisms.


Remove soiled or uneaten food daily and replace with fresh food. Some lorikeets will load their drinking water with dry food so always ensure that fresh water is available. 


Feeding Guide

Caged birds tend to over-eat and become obese when offered an unlimited supply of food. It is a healthier, and more economical practice to establish your birds' daily food requirement and feed that amount.



 Species Complete Lorikeet powder
food per day
(1 level teaspoon = 3g approx.)  
grams  Level
Little & Purple-crowned Lorikeet 



Musk & Scaly-breasted Lorikeet



Rainbow & Red-collared Lorikeet



Red & Dusky Lory



Chattering & Black-capped Lory



Note that these feeding estimates are for non-breeding birds and can vary depending on the nutritional value of other foods eaten, as well as lorikeet activity levels and daily temperature.


Breeding Lorikeets

Feed 30% more than the non-breeding requirement of Complete Lorikeet plus 1 level teaspoon of prepared Passwell Finch Soft Food per bird per day. This provides the additional protein and nutrient requirements for breeding birds.


Wild Lorikeets

Limited or short-term feeding of wild lorikeets with a nutritionally balanced food is not necessarily harmful. However, non-resident birds may become dependent on this food source and be at risk of competition and disease if induced to stay in an area where there is little natural food. Resident and breeding birds are at risk of nutritional deficiency if the food offered does not contain all essential nutrients they require. Be aware that birds will source the readily available "hand-outs" at the expense of their natural diet and may be at an increased risk of disease transmission at crowded or unhygienic feed stations. Do not overfeed wild birds. About 1 level teaspoon of Complete Lorikeet per bird per day is plenty.